Operation ‘Kremlin’

Introduction ClearSky researchers identified a malicious “.docx” file that was uploaded to VirusTotal from Russia in mid-December. The file contains an obfuscated URL to a remote template which contains malicious VBA, eventually leading to the execution of VBS on the infected machine. The attack’s purpose is to stealthily exfiltrate information without running any external executables […]

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Pay2Kitten – Fox Kitten 2

During the past four months a wave of cyber-attacks has been targeting Israeli companies. The attacks are conducted by different means and target a range of sectors. We estimate with medium to high confidence that Pay2Key is a new operation conducted by Fox Kitten, an  Iranian  APT group that began a new wave of attacks […]

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CryptoCore Group

A Threat Actor Targeting Cryptocurrency Exchanges In this research, we present a hidden and persistent group, that has been targeting crypto-exchanges, mainly in the US and Japan since as early as 2018. The actor has successfully stolen millions’ worth of cryptocoins. We named it as “CryptoCore” (or “Crypto-gang”), aka “Dangerous Password”, “Leery Turtle”. The CryptoCore […]

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The Economy Behind Phishing Websites Creation

The main aim of this research is to understand and describe the eco-systems of fake websites developers and designers, and the basic economy behind creation of fake websites that impersonate legitimate websites of banks, credit cards companies and corporations. Mostly, the aim of those fake websites is stealing credential (banking or corporate) or credit cards […]

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The Rainmaker, Philadelphia and Stampado Ransomware Vendor is Expanding his Services

ClearSky conducts consistent monitoring of various Darknet actors and communities, including specific actors that develop and sell malware, exploits, bots and ransomware. We have recently encountered very aggressive jabber spam campaign, advertising the “Philadelphia” ransomware. As Brian Krebs wrote in one of his recent post,  Philadelphia is  a ransomware-as-a-service crime ware package that is sold […]

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